Teaching experience in the implementation and development of the critical thinking seal in the Social Work career, Universidad de Atacama, Chile.

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


The higher education law in Chile recommends directing training towards the development of autonomous and critical thinking in students, elements included in the Social Work degree at the University of Atacama, through the installation of the seal of critical thinking. Through a qualitative study, the teaching experience in the process is analyzed, identifying: elements that give internal coherence to the design and execution of its curriculum and components of the teaching-learning process such as the implementation of learning strategies, the international convention of collaboration and the teaching support program.

Article Details

Daniela Guzmán Sanhueza
Adriana Fernández Muñoz
Guzmán Sanhueza, D., & Fernández Muñoz, A. (2023). Teaching experience in the implementation and development of the critical thinking seal in the Social Work career, Universidad de Atacama, Chile. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (25), 1 - 21. Retrieved from https://www.tscuadernosdetrabajosocial.cl/index.php/TS/article/view/237


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